Amazing Tips and Products for Deaf Parents and Parents of Deaf Children

Ever wonder what products are out there right now for deaf parents? Are you a hearing parent and have just discovered that your little one is deaf? Check out these super helpful tips and products!

Baby Hacks for a Happier Baby and Happier You

Disclosure: “You’ve Got This, Mom!” participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program providing a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Most product links lead directly to My son turned 3 months on Monday! Where did the time go?!?! In the past 3 months, IContinue reading “Baby Hacks for a Happier Baby and Happier You”

Two-Month-Old Schedule and Napping Tips

The moment you get into a rhythm with your baby, they change! Your baby is two-months-old. His naps are shorter and he eats every 4 hours instead of every 3. How do you accommodate for his new patterns? See some new schedule options and get tips on getting the most out of nap time.