My Favorite Homeschool Magazine

I know you haven’t heard from me in a while — and that’s an understatement. It’s been a long year of soul searching; child rearing; path-finding, straying, and finding again. The journey has been long and hard, and I still have a long way to go. But during this journey, I was given an amazingContinue reading “My Favorite Homeschool Magazine”

Morning Routine for School

Disclosure: “You’ve Got This, Mom!” participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program providing a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Most product links lead directly to It’s Back-to-School season, and we all know what that means! The dreaded weekday morning struggle of getting your kidsContinue reading “Morning Routine for School”

Parenting Challenge

Disclosure: “You’ve Got This, Mom!” participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program providing a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Most product links lead directly to Motherhood is a ministry. We think as Christians that we have to bake cookies for the church fundraiser andContinue reading “Parenting Challenge”

When to Teach Baby Sign Language

Disclosure: “You’ve Got This, Mom!” participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program providing a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Most product links lead directly to I started Baby Sign Language with Joshua, my 7-month-old, last month. A few days after turning 7 months, heContinue reading “When to Teach Baby Sign Language”

Checklist for 6 Month Old Baby

Disclosure: “You’ve Got This, Mom!” participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program providing a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Most product links lead directly to I cannot believe it’s been half a year since Joshua came into our lives! And in just half aContinue reading “Checklist for 6 Month Old Baby”

10 Parenting Rules Based on Biblical Truths

As a first time mom, my motto used to be “Do all the things.” I thought I had to have a spotless house; keep track of every diaper change, bottle feeding, color of poo, etc.; be the perfect wife; have scheduled, daily me-time; say “yes” to all my engagements; and so on. Very quickly, IContinue reading “10 Parenting Rules Based on Biblical Truths”

Cute Father’s Day Ideas From Baby

Looking for an easy, DIY, homemade gift from baby for mother’s day? Check out these 17 ideas!

Stay-at-Home Date Night Ideas

Has life with kids gotten robotic? Has your marriage been pushed to the way-side? Need some stay at home, affordable date ideas? Check out my list!

The Ultimate Remedy for Baby Constipation

Are your infants having trouble pooping? Looking for some natural remedies to help your toddlers poop? Don’t use karo syrup! As early as 4 months, your child can use pureed prunes for constipation issues. This applies to both breastfed and formula fed babies.