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Hey, Mom!

Being a Mom is HARD! A full-time-mom is worth $162,000! Mom, YOU ARE WORTH 6-FIGURES!

We cook, we clean, we take care of individuals who depend on us for their every need — even if they’re a teen and can actually heat up that can of ravioli on their own. We barely have a moment for ourselves and, when we do, someone is at the door asking you where their missing baseball glove is (it’s on top of their chest-of-drawers where they put it after their game last week).

I’m new to the whole “mom-game.”

My son, Joshua was born in November 2019. But, like all moms, I had to figure out how to be Joshua’s mom very quickly. In fact, a lot quicker than I had hoped.

Joshua’s heart rate dropped critically low during my labor and I had to have an emergency c-section. He spent 5 days in NICU with fluid in his lungs and jaundice, and I didn’t even get to hold him until about 14 hours after his birth.

When I was finally allowed to take him home, I thought life would start becoming “normal.” That night, I was admitted into the ER for shortness of breath and high blood pressure. In the next two weeks, I would be in the ER three more times. In the first 14 days of Joshua’s life, I would probably spend a total of 2 full days with him. He was being nurtured by his dad and grandparents. I felt so helpless having to watch my baby grow into a two-week-old through photos and videos. I watched his first pediatrician appointment via Skype in a hospital bed two hours away.

Within the first 24 hours of Joshua’s life, I knew I felt called to start a blog for struggling moms who think they have to be perfect — much like me. In the next two weeks, as I watched my child being raised by everyone but me, I forced myself to think about how when everything was going wrong, I would be able to use it for Good and help other struggling mothers come to terms with what has been handed to them.

I pray you find comfort in my posts.

I know I’m new to this whole “mom-thing.” I’m not a seasoned veteran and can’t give you the best, time-tested advice. But as I mess up and mess up some more, I plan to share with you those mess ups and hope that you will find comfort, hope, and peace in knowing YOU ARE NOT ALONE. There is someone else out there who has NO IDEA what she is doing, and that’s ok!


Image may contain: 3 people, including Olivia Marie Winn Floyd and Garrett Floyd, people smiling, people sitting, christmas tree and indoor

I’m Olivia. I live in the country of SOUTHEAST TEXAS! I am a non-denominational Judeo-Christian, a wife to my wonderful husband, Garrett, and a mother to my newborn, Joshua and our 5-year-old fur baby weenie/beagle-mix, Toby.

I am a two-time cancer survivor, an avid reader, a singer/song-writer/guitar/ukulele player, and fluent in American Sign Language. I am obsessed with all things Jerusalem, Doctor Who, and CHOCOLATE. I spend my time figuring out how to be a mom to Joshua — because, honestly, with a newborn you only get about an hour to yourself.

When I do have free time, I spend it doing my number one hobby: sleeping. If sleep was an Olympic sport, I would medal in it.