Stay-at-Home Date Night Ideas

stay at home date night ideas quarantine

Stay at Home Date Night

Life has gotten sort of robotic since Joshua was born 6 months ago! Half. A. Year! Boy, how time flies by! In a time of chaos, you crave routine, especially since babies tend to need a new routine monthly because they have grown out of their old one!

Earlier this week, I went to bed while my husband, Garrett stayed up late playing video games. I almost forgot to kiss him goodnight. When I crawled under my covers alone, I realized that we have become roommates rather than spouses, best friends, and lovers. It can be so easy to fall into a routine to nurture baby that parents can forget to take the time to nurture their marriage.

A marriage, just as any other relationship, left neglected can eventually wither out and die; and we don’t want that!

When searching for Bible verses for this post, I happened upon this one and it made me giggle:

proverbs 5:18-19 quarantine date night

But really, as awkward of a verse that that may be to read out loud, those 35 words speak volumes about the relationship we should have with our spouses!

You may also be interested in: 5 Scriptures to Pray over Your Child

Before baby, hubby and I used to have date night once a week. One date night a month was a going-out date night, but the other weeks were stay-at-home, cheap or free dates. After a few months of stay-at-home date nights becoming just sitting on the couch watching a movie with our faces in our cell phones, we decided that date-night-in had to be more planned out. We could watch a movie together, but only after we did an engaging activity that took our eyes off the screens and onto each other.

If you’re reading this in 2020, it’s highly likely you are looking for fun date ideas you can do without leaving the house and, maybe, are affordable or free because you’re currently not working.

No worries! Here are some stay-at-home date ideas that won’t break the bank and will help rekindle that beautiful flame between the two of you!

1 corinthians 13:4-8 stay at home date night ideas

FREE Stay at Home Date Night:

  • Build a blanket fort (Our mattress is light enough that we take it into the living room and use that as the base.)
  • If you live near a park or place to walk around while social distancing, take a walk. (Shout out to Memphis Putman for sharing this idea with us!)
  • Create quarantine coupon books for each other (Back rub, he picks the movie, you do one of his chores, fishing trip when the quarantine is over, etc.)
  • Paint/draw each other’s portraits (Don’t let the other person see it until it’s done. My husband and I did this, and we still have ours hung on our fridge. The finished products were hilarious and a great memory! See the picture? He painted me and I painted him. 🤣)
  • If you have a yard, go stargazing or sleep under the stars
  • Play your favorite board game/card game/video game (or create your own!)
  • If you have a boat or ATV, take it out for the day! There should be some places you can social distance!
  • Find a dance tutorial on YouTube and have a free “dance class”
  • Karaoke party (You can search just about any song on YouTube with “karaoke” behind it and find the karaoke version. For example, “my girl karaoke“. To prepare, you could go ahead and make a playlist or just wing it!)
painting date night at home

Related: Inexpensive and Free Date and Gift Ideas He Will L♥VE
  • Spa night (Give each other a back and foot massage.)
  • Scavenger hunt (Send each other around the house or around the yard.)
  • Go to a local park that has a free tennis court, volleyball court, or basketball court and play against each other (or invite another couple and play doubles… just not in basketball).
  • Watch the sunset
  • Create a couple’s bucket list together (You can create a specific one for what you will do when you get out of quarantine.)
  • Sit down together and each write 26 date ideas on pieces of paper. Put them in a jar, and you now have 52 weeks of date ideas that one or both of you would enjoy! (Look on Pinterest for date ideas. Make sure to throw in some cheap and free options.)
  • Pick wild flowers, and make a bouquet together
  • Sit together with a cup of coffee and talk. Turn off your phones and just be present with each other.
  • Take “The Intimacy Acceleration” quiz — the quiz Penny and Sheldon test in Big Bang Theory to see if it will make them more attracted to each other and by Daniel and Natasha in The Sun is Also a Star movie and book. Don’t forget to stare into each other’s eyes for 4 minutes at the end. (My husband and I did this and really enjoyed the experience!) Here and here are clips from the episode on Big Bang Theory about the quiz.
date night at home activities
  • Work out together (This increases endorphins and euphoria.) (You can find workouts on Pinterest or YouTube.
  • Find funny BuzzFeed couple quizzes
  • Make a time capsule
  • Participate in his favorite hobby with him
  • Go on a free virtual museum tour … check out this one, too!
You may also enjoy: The Good Friday Mom

Inexpensive Stay at Home Date Night:

romantic date nights at home
  • Cook him a romantic dinner (You can never go wrong with steak… or recreate the meal you had on your first date or at your wedding.)
  • Find a cooking tutorial on YouTube and have a in-home “cooking class”
  • Just drive around and talk (I put this under “inexpensive” since you have to pay for gas.)
  • Rent a movie from Redbox, gather popcorn and candy, and turn the lights down for a movie night! (Make sure to melt LOTS of butter!)
  • Have a picnic in your yard or on your porch… or in your living room (This could be free if you grab food you already have on hand.)
  • Netflix and Chill
  • Camp out in the living room (make s’mores in the microwave!)
  • Think of 10-20 questions that your spouse may not know about you (and you about him) and compete for who knows whom better. Loser gives winner a foot massage or has to pass over the remote for 1 night.
  • Bake some yummy cookies, decorate them with icing and sprinkles, and post on social media for people to vote who made the best. THEN EAT THEM!
  • Fly a kite in your yard or a park/beach with little people
  • Tie-dye and/or paint shirts for each other
Related: 37 Quarantine Activities for Seniors

Liked these date ideas? Follow my Date Night Pinterest board:

I hope you enjoyed my lists and found some great ideas! It honestly doesn’t matter what the two of you are doing as long as you are spending intentional time together.

You’ve got this, Mom!

What are some stay-at-home date night ideas you have done? Which of the ideas from above are you excited to try? I would love to hear from you! Comment below. 👇🏼

Loved my post? Pin it to Pinterest or share it with a mama who needs some date ideas!

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