10 More Baby Hacks

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A month ago, I shared 10 valuable baby hacks that I learned from being a new mom to my then 3-month-old… you can read that post here. Well, I have grown a month older, a month wiser, and a month tired-er… but I have 10 more baby hacks to share with you! 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Just like in my last baby hack post, I wanted to go above and beyond for you! Under many of the hacks is some extra information or a link to a specific product I use! I know mommin’ is tough, and I wanted to make these hacks that much easier for you. So, make sure to not miss out on the info I included for you under the hacks!

Hack #11

Here are some of our favorite onesies brands (click the pictures to be taken to the websites):

Related: 20 Newborn Must-Haves in 2020

Hack #12

Here are our favorite tushy-friendly washcloths:

Hack #13

Every baby is different and, therefore, has different formula needs. Joshua started on Similac Pro-Advance Non-GMO Formula while he was in NICU, so we kept him on it. His pediatrician also recommended this formula to us as well, so if you haven’t chosen a formula yet, this is a really great choice!

The best option to get your money’s worth is the 36 oz can, but you can also buy Powder Stickpacks and Ready To Drink Bottles. These alternative options can get expensive, but we like to use them for traveling.

Hack #14

The Similac Formula cans come with a new scoop in each can! I just kept one of the scoops, washed it, and put it away in case I lost the new scoop (I’m really good at losing things) or for traveling. Joshua goes to his grandma’s 45 minutes away once a week and when I pack I put the old scoop in his diaper bag so I don’t have to remember to pack the new one if I feed him before we leave.

Hack #15

This is a handy hack I learned from the lactation consultant at the hospital where I delivered. Just putting your pinky lightly on the corner of your baby’s mouth should be enough to get her to release the nipple, but if not, you can wedge your pinky inside of her mouth.

Babies will all prefer different bottles. My son loves Parent’s Choice 5 oz Bottles the best — which I’m very happy about because they are REALLY affordable.
We also use Medela Bottles with him. It took him about a month to get used to this brand, but we already had them because they came with my breast pump, and we were determined not to buy more bottles.

Hack #16

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Hack #17

When your little one starts teething, she will also start drooling. I got real tired real fast of constantly changing Joshua’s wet onesie, so I started using bibs. Now that he is eating baby food, I use regular (cotton-blend) bibs for drool and polyester bibs for feeding time. I like that I can wipe them off and use them all day instead of getting a new bib for each feeding.

Top Post: 20 Newborn Must-Haves in 2020

Hack #18

My son is obsessed with his WubbaNub pacifiers. He holds onto the attached stuffed animal for comfort and uses it to push the paci back in his mouth. WubbaNubs come in all kinds of stuffed animals including a giraffeelephantunicornmoose, and sloth.

I was sad when we had to buy new ones after 3 months of use because he loved his deer and giraffe, so I cut off the pacis for him to keep the stuffed animals. The pacis came off way easier than I anticipated and leave behind a cute, green smile.

We never use the WubbaNub in his crib because he could push it over his face and it could cause suffocation. We only use them during the day when we’re watching him. A pacifier you can use at night that is just like the one attached to the WubbaNub is the Phillips Avent Soothie. Here is the 0-3 month pacifier and the 3+ month pacifier.

Hack #19

Need ideas for postpartum exercise? Follow my pinterest board where you will find exercises to help you get your pre-pregnancy body back and exercises to do with you baby!

You may also be interested in: How to Manage Your Time with a Newborn

Hack #20

cannot recommend the Kinedu app enough! This app keeps track of your baby’s developmental skills and specifically gives you an activity that will help you and your little one work on the skills they should be learning next. It gives a quick, weekly assessment to see what your baby has mastered so it can update the videos you are seeing. We use the free version and absolutely love it!
*** If you are reading this during the Corona Virus Quarantine, from now until 4/15/20, Kinedu has opened their entire library for free to help us all out during this terrifying and confusing time!

What are some mom hacks you have found helpful and would like to share with us? Tell us below in the comments. We would love to hear from you!

Know any mamas who could majorly benefit from these hacks? Share this post with her!


Follow my Mom Hacks Pinterest board to stay updated on the BEST hacks!

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